Simplifying Portfolio Performance Analytics with Investment Management Solutions

Portfolio analytics is a key component in investment management. It helps managers analyze returns and investment risk for their clients and helps them make informed decisions about their investments. But analyzing portfolios is no small task. It involves a lot of processes like attribution, performance benchmarking, risk management, portfolio slice and dice, and more.

To make their job easier, these investment managers need intelligent and reliable technology solutions that not only take the burden off their shoulders but also get the portfolio analytics done faster. These solutions help reduce human error by automating the whole process of analysis and leveraging the ability of artificial intelligence to find in-depth insights for more informed recommendations.

Wealth in a Box is one such Investment Management Software. It is an agile modern architecture which brings together front, middle and back-office wealth technology solutions to reduce costs and increase efficiency of wealth managers.

Designed for the ease of managers and their clients, Wealth in a Box makes portfolio analytics more accessible and comprehensible.

Below are a few other ways Wealth in a Box simplifies portfolio analytics:

Simplified Data Results

It analyzes complex data, both real-time and historical, and presents it to the clients on their user dashboards with enriched visualization and simplified attraction. This makes it easier for investment managers to inform clients about the possible investment risks and returns.

Saves Time

It takes only seconds to analyze data and present recommendations. It takes up to weeks for a human to do that because of the sheer amount of work that it is. It saves time and helps capitalize on the opportunities that open in the market.


With its goal-based approach to the advisory, all recommendations made by Wealth in a Box are customized for the goals set by the clients. Since every individual or entity has their own set of goals to achieve, no two clients have the same recommendations. It is programmed this way to provide highly accurate and relevant recommendations to the clients and support their investment goals.


Wealth in a Box automates complex research, investment planning, and portfolio monitoring to enable investment managers, fund managers, performance analysts, risk analysts, and compliance managers to provide an uberized user experience to their clients. It has different formats of the portfolio for Analysts, Fund Managers, and CXOs with different approaches for each individual.

Always Ready

The Wealth in a Box system is always ready, which helps avoid delays and dependencies.


Flexibility helps Wealth in a Box support different models for asset classes and styles, enabling it to easily handle multi-currency and multi-asset portfolios.

If you are an investment manager looking for a technology solution, you can find out more about Wealth in a Box here: Software for wealth managers.

About Valuefy:

Valuefy is a premier investment technology lab with cutting-edge solutions serving the leading financial institutions across the globe. Its Wealth Management Solutions has enabled Wealth Managers globally by providing production-grade investment technology for an uberized customer experience. Reach out to us today and get a solution that best suits your needs.

Financial Well-Being – The 2023 New Year Checklist

Yes, it’s that time of the year again, the time to make those resolutions for the year that we inevitably end up breaking by February if not earlier. Well, this isn’t cynicism speaking its facts, research suggests that 45% of people fail their resolutions by February and less than 20% make it through the entire year. And, what are these ever-elusive goals that we set for ourselves? Invariably the most common resolutions have to do with Physical Health (losing weight, eating healthy, exercising) followed by Financial Health (saving regularly, meeting goals).

Well, the most cited reason for failing at resolutions is lack of willpower, however, this year we’ll try to circumvent failure by having a game plan in place and by automating our investments.

Here’s your Financial Fitness plan for 2023, follow it rigorously and you’ll be in a much better place (financially) next year.

Step 1: Budget Better

It’s as simple as creating a monthly shopping list. You know the amount you can afford to spend, you know the essentials and you can even make room for luxuries as long as you can make a saving elsewhere. Writing down your budget with a clear allocation for monthly expenses, rent, savings, and goal-based investments can help you be more fiscally responsible. You can use an expense manager such as Walnut or financial planning software for advisors to tally up your bank statements to find out where you’re bleeding money. Whether it’s your morning dose of Starbucks coffee or your cigarette habit, once you see how they add up, you’ll be sure to re-evaluate your decisions. If you’re looking to get started with a basic budget, don’t overthink it, you can use the popular 50-30-20 rule to get started.

Step 2: Become Debt-Free

Debt can be a dark cloud looming over your conscience and can affect your financial behavior greatly. Whether you’re in crippling student loan debt or paying off a mortgage, having a plan in place helps you from getting overwhelmed. If you have multiple sources of debt such as a car loan, bike loan, personal loan, and the like, the best way of going about it is striking off these debts one at a time. You can start by paying off smaller debts such as your car loan so that you get some momentum and your confidence starts building up. Slowly move on towards your larger debts so that you can pay them off one at a time.

Step 3: Plan for the Unplanned

Create an emergency fund and get your Health and Life insurance in place. Yes, we know that it feels like a waste of money especially when you’re just starting off in your career but tragedy can strike at any time and it helps to be prepared. Especially when there is an indication of a possible worldwide recession in 2023, according to the World Bank report. Start by creating a rainy day fund that’s at least 6 months of your monthly salary to prepare for emergencies such as layoffs. Also, start your Health insurance as early as possible, the earlier you start the lower the premiums you pay for the rest of your life. You should also invest in a Term life insurance plan as they are cheap to acquire and ensure a financial cushion for your loved ones.

Step 4: Create a Retirement Fund

We know that retirement can seem like a lifetime away, but well so did 2023 at the beginning of the year. Having a clear picture of how much money you need to have saved up for retirement will help modulate your fiscal behavior. Setting your current income as the standard, a retirement calculator will tell you how much of a corpus will maintain your standard of living post-retirement.

Step 5: Diversify, Diversify and Diversify

Never put your eggs in one basket, the stock market can be a calamitous place and to weather the ups and downs of the marketplace you need to have a diversified investment portfolio. Whether it’s mutual funds, stocks, bonds, real estate, or bitcoin, you need to have a sufficient “debt v/s equity” ratio to ensure that your boat is steady when the waters get choppy. It helps to have a wealth management firm in place that can manage your investments for you and tell you how exactly your assets must be drawn up with respect to your financial goals.

Step 6: Automate Everything

Wealth Management platforms or investment management platforms such as Wealth In A Box can help make the journey toward financial health a lot easier. Trusted by the Top Wealth Managers in India such as Aditya Birla and Kotak Asset Management, it’s been voted the top wealth management platform in India. With dedicated apps for Wealth Managers and Clients, it promises a high level of transparency and brings cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence and Robo-advisory to your 2023 financial strategy.

For more details ask your Wealth Management firm about Wealth In A Box

Step 7: Plan Your Tax

Planning the tax in advance will avoid the hassle we make at the last moment. It will help us file the tax returns before the deadline, without letting us pay higher tax liabilities due to lack of time. Prepare all your documents, and consult a tax professional (if need be) to know all the tax benefits you are eligible for.

About Valuefy:

Valuefy is a premier investment technology lab with cutting-edge solutions serving the leading financial institutions across the globe. It has been enabling Wealth Managers globally by providing production-grade investment technology for an uberized customer experience. Reach out to us!

Why Your Friend Shouldn’t be Your Financial Adviser ?

In our times of need, we always turn to our friends for advice, whether it’s life, relationships, careers or anything that’s on our mind. Well, why should finances be any different, right? Well, when it comes to finances it gets slightly more complicated. In this blog, we cover why taking financial advice from your friend might be a recipe for disaster.

You Lose Objectivity

When you’re with your financial adviser, you need to ask some hard questions. There may be disagreements over how you want your money to be invested. In fact, your advisor might even give you an earful over your frivolous spending habits. They will not take into account any personal problems that may have led you to act that way, the best advisors are quantitative and analytical. However, if your friend is your advisor, you may pull back on the punches, not ask the hard questions and not hold them accountable for their bad advice as you value the relationship. This is bad news as you aren’t able to take an objective view of your finances, neither is your friend able to maintain their objectivity as they know your problems and have a stake in them.

Your Friend isn’t the Expert

Qualifications and experience mean everything when it comes to being a financial adviser. While your friend may have made a lucky investment and made a great fortune for themselves, it doesn’t mean they will be able to replicate the success for you. While looking for a financial adviser always look at their past track record, years of experience and their college education. If they’ve concentrated on acquiring a degree related to financial services, it’s clear that they were focussed and dedicated to Financial Management as a career and didn’t drift into it. This level of intent and commitment means they are passionate about being a financial expert and are likely to be up to date and current with their strategies. While choosing a financial adviser always look at the number of clients managed, assets under management, a record of performance, and data with regulatory bodies (To check for fraud). This will ensure that all your bases are covered and you’re taking financial advice from the best in the business.

Depth & Breadth of Knowledge

Your friend might be an expert player in the stock market or in mutual funds. Or he may help you with the right tips when it comes to saving taxes. However, does he understand the exact needs of you and your family? Does he know the kind of insurance cover you need to maintain your standard of living? Can he do succession planning in such a way that your family is well taken care of after your death? Unless your friend is a financial planner, most likely they may be good at one or two of these financial aspects but rarely all of them. Hence it’s necessary to invest a little time and money, in the beginning, to avoid disappointment and missteps due to bad financial advice.

Tools They have Access To

Would you trust a chef that has access to the finest sharpest steak knives on the market to carve up your premium ribeye steak, or would you do it yourself with a 3-year-old blunted knife? Well, the answer seems commonsensical, similarly, financial advice is no different. Expert financial advisers have at their disposal a number of tools that make wealth management easier and more efficient. Wealth Management platforms such as Wealthfy are used by top advisors around the world to make financial decisions. These platforms have Artificial Intelligence-powered Robo Advisers to drive their decisionmaking for them and also crunch terabytes of data in seconds. These investment management platforms can make it easy to perform complex financial tasks such as portfolio monitoring, performance attribution, rebalancing and give you 100% transparency into each and every financial decision. No matter how good your friend is at financial decision making, it’s hard to beat a professional financial adviser with all these cutting edge tools at their disposal. Hence, it’s essential to consult a financial adviser when it comes to improving your financial health in the long run.

Ask your financial adviser about Wealthfy to get access to 24X7 access to your portfolio health contact us .

5 Keys To Successful Investment Portfolio Management

1. Make your bets on companies whose business model you understand

It’s always essential to completely understand what you’ve invested in rather than invest in every shiny opportunity that presents itself. There may be a lot of noise and cry in the market about the next big thing, one day it may be Bitcoin, while the next it may be Ripple or even weed stocks. However, it is essential that you keep your wits about you while investing. Look at strong metrics such as per capita product consumption, past returns, future projections, input costs and margins before making any kind of investment. You must be confident enough to forecast different projections for the firm based on your understanding and confidence level in the market. When you ignore this basic tenet and invest in companies or channels that you don’t understand, you stand a high possibility of watching your investment go bust. Avoid being seduced by the new opportunity in the block, the ‘boring’ groundwork and research is where the real gold (scope for building wealth in the long term) lies. The top billionaires in the investment space, such as Warren Buffet, advocate this philosophy. It’s all about being sure about what you know and betting on that.

2. Always hedge your bets

There’s always an endowment bias when it comes to investment decisions. Investors often make the habit of making predictions about stock performance without considering all the kinds of risk factors. Hence, we are often overly optimistic about our prospects which may backfire in our face. It’s important to be conservative about the prospects of an investment. It helps if you have data and analytics helping you hedge your bets rather than relying on pure instinct. All speculation must have a strong backing in data and an appropriate distribution of asset allocation must be maintained between high exposure investments like stocks and low-risk debt funds.

3. Minimize Costs, Expenses, and Fees

Professionally managed firms and family offices may charge high fees for management and advisory fees. This can either be in the form of a percentage of assets or in the form of a flat fee/retainer. It’s even more dangerous if they earn income through commissions as their financial interests may be at odds with yours. This fee can heavily eat into your long term corpus generation in various ways due to the interest lost on the amount that would have otherwise compounded. Hence it’s better to go for a Robo Advisor or a wealth management firm that subsidises is management fee by providing Robo Advisory services rather than using a Human advisor for all client interaction. The cost-saving by the Wealth Management firm is transferred to the benefit of the investor.

4. Maintain your portfolio boundaries

Be very clear on what level of exposure you are comfortable with in terms of risk and what profits you will be happy with. If you have data and analytics driving your decisions, you can set up a flagging mechanism to raise a red flag whenever a trade hits an upper or a lower limit. Setting boundaries for your portfolio help you minimize the probability of a loss. It’s important to be opportunistic, but it’s also essential that you aren’t too greedy. A very diverse portfolio with an appropriate mix of funds from across industries will help you create a portfolio that performs well in a bull or bear market.

5.Leverage Technology

Nowadays, wealth management paradigm has shifted and investment managers are using technology to back their decision making. Wealth management software and platforms have emerged which use a combination of AI and Analytics to de-risk investments. Robo advisory services are now part and parcel of every Wealth Management firm’s offering. These services help firms crunch the numbers and make data-driven decisions about investing. Robo-advisors provide the right kind of recommendations and give a wealth of analytics and historical data to help guide investment choices. These technologies also take care of monotonous tasks such as asset reallocation, portfolio attribution, KYC, onboarding amongst others and provide great transparency to investors. This helps Wealth Managers free up a large portion of their time and dedicate it to providing excellent customer servicing.

Looking for Wealth Management software that can help your Wealth Management practice flourish? Contact us for a free demo

Predictive analytics in wealth management The new normal

The wealth management landscape is ever-evolving and wealth management firms of today are increasingly adopting cutting edge technology to cater to tech-savvy millennials. The expectations and preferences of today’s clientele such as increased insights, automation, and 24X7 customer service can only be met by leveraging smart tech.

Investment managers of today are investing in wealth management platforms with AI-enabled advisory and predictive analytics to cater to these demands. The latest report by BCG on the wealth management landscape stated that 75% of wealth management firms are investing heavily in big data and analytics to meet evolving customer demands.

One of the major innovations in the space in the last decade is predictive analytics, which basically means the use of historical data to determine and predict the relationships between different variables in the wealth management process. Predictive analytics helps build models and processes that optimize the wealth management process, introduce high automation, and predict asset failure.

Predictive analytics is a space that is seeing huge growth in the market due to the value they provide to wealth managers in terms of cost savings and process efficiency. Using predictive analytics at different stages of the customer funnel is helping wealth management firms keep pace and deliver the coveted ‘high touch’ experience that clients have come to expect.

Here’s how predictive analytics is transforming the wealth management space:

Aligning business strategy

Predictive analytics helps wealth management firms anticipate investor demand, life events, attrition, investment patterns and more. This can help firms align their business and their product offerings according to this data to limit attrition and improve investor retention. It also helps firms understand investors with the highest risk of leaving and the highest lifetime value, so the managers can take appropriate action and effort to minimize the risk to AUM.

Data-driven intelligence

Robo advisory is being offered as part of the wealth management services which recommends portfolios for each financial goal by blending Robo capabilities with human intelligence. This automation helps in streamlining the process for wealth managers by eliminating redundant tasks.

Smarter client acquisition

Predictive analytics enables wealth management firms to customize their products and offer more targeted services to their clients. It enables them to recognize HNI clients and create custom investment opportunities for them. It also helps drive customized, personalized.  and intelligent customer communications. From email communications, sales calls or message communications, analytics helps personalize them to offer a seamless experience leading to higher client acquisitions.

Exceptional customer service

Predictive analytics helps wealth managers give customers contextual advice. It helps wealth managers predict customer needs and approaches them with the right solution at the right time. Big data can be used to mine customer behavior through surveys, market patterns, risk levels and more to help provide tailored advice that customers appreciate. It also helps wealth managers make real-time recommendations, investment ideas, and financial plans in minutes, instead of hours.

Helps the research process

Predictive analytics and NLP can help asset managers make sense of vast unstructured and structured data sets. It can help managers understand patterns and trends in the data and make smarter decisions based on this research. This helps asset managers save on hours of time that they would have spent parsing through the data.

Higher visibility into operations and reduced costs

Digitized wealth management platform will help wealth management firms optimize processes and reduce back-office costs through better human capital management (optimizing hiring process), optimal demand management (optimizing effort based on customer lifetime value), and reduce due diligence costs through next-generation digitized KYC. These optimizations will help keep firms competitive and help the bottom line in this cut-throat market.

What does the future look like?

As wealth management platforms grow more and more sophisticated, the high investment in AI-based models means that they will become even more accurate. This means that investors can expect more personalized and better service from their advisors. Wealth management firms will be able to leverage these insights to create better opportunities and drive superior performance for investors. Firms that fail to leverage analytics will underperform and eventually will not be able to keep up with their tech-savvy competitors. However, those who do invest heavily in AI at this stage will capture a lion’s share of the millennial investor base.

Here’s Why you Need Hybrid Advisory for Investment Management

The introduction of Robo Advisory has received mixed reactions from wealth and investment managers.

While the tech-savvy managers have been quick to appreciate the value of this automated process, others assumed that this technology will make their jobs redundant in the future.

What is Hybrid Advisory?

Understanding the flow of money and making decisions based on the movement of the market comes with years of experience and in-depth research of assets, portfolios, and the market itself.

With the help of Robo Advisory, Investment Managers can recommend tailor-made portfolios for each financial goal, fasten the tedious task of onboarding customers, generate intelligent insights and rebalance portfolios with ease.

It adds an edge to advisory through intelligent portfolio insights, becoming an addition to the Investment Manager’s arsenal.

So, should Investment Managers be concerned about Robo Advisory?

On the contrary, they have reason to rejoice, because Robo-Advisory by itself is just a sophisticated product but partner it with an investment manager and what you have is Hybrid Advisory.

Here’s why:

It Improves Decision-Making

This is a collaborated approach to investment with the use of technology and human intelligence. The Robo advisors scan through terabytes of data to convert it into actionable insights.

It helps in leveraging big data to simplify the decision-making process in a cost-friendly way. The time which remained a constraint for investment managers is strategically handled by automating the operation procedures.

It Democratizes Investment Management

Wealth Management and Investment advisory have always been luxuries that only the affluent could afford. People who had amassed wealth over the course of their entire careers would go to wealth managers and investment managers for advice on where to invest their money.

Now, automated advisory for smaller amounts can take care of the clients that are in the primary stage and are still getting used to the market. Investment Managers can have potential clients in the pipeline long before they speak to them.

Valuefy is helping Investment Managers get on-demand, comprehensive analytics from historical and real-time data to make informed decisions generating better returns on the investments.

Valuefy is a FinTech company that enables Wealth Managers and Investment Managers with technological solutions to ensure the digitalization of their processes and empower them with comprehensive analytics, Portfolio Management solutions, reporting, and relationship management

5 Reasons Wealth Managers need a Technology Partner

Maybe you are a veteran Wealth Manager, a rookie or somewhere in between. Being in the industry, you must have heard about the disruptive technologies that are changing the sector of Wealth Management.

Well, the news is true as Wealth managers around the world are partnering with Fintech companies to adopt innovative technology solutions. It’s improving the efficiency and productivity of their firms and driving their performance.

Let’s take a look at the 5 major reasons why a Wealth Manager needs a technology partner.


One of the biggest advantages of technology is automation. Technologies like Big Data, Analytics, and AI are offering real-time data, easy access to information, and faster report generation which cuts down the time taken for decision making.

Automation in Wealth Management allows you to finish time-consuming tasks, like generating portfolio insights and reports, in minutes. It enables smoother operations making your job a lot easier. A ROBO assist platform aids Wealth Management in generating portfolio insights and collecting data in an organized way that also leads to a reduction in costs.

Customer Relationship Management

Customer relationship management is at the heart of a successful Wealth Management firm and it can be enhanced using user-friendly technological solutions that provide both ease and accessibility to the portfolio and analytics.

A technology platform, like Wealthfy, adds convenience to processes like Client Onboarding, Portfolio Construction, Portfolio Monitoring, Reporting, Analytics, and Rebalancing. Providing customers with on-demand analytics is another feature that can prove to be very inviting for a wealth manager.

Data Analytics

Wealth Management is built on data. Analyzing and studying historical and real-time data is a crucial part of making decisions that drive returns. Technology platforms perform these functions quickly while increasing the productivity of Wealth Managers.

Solutions that provides analysis of different classes of Assets in a portfolio helps you decide on the expected returns and risk factors of various assets under one platform. Moreover, these platforms support different styles of portfolios, widening their functionalities.

Multichannel Delivery

Smartphones have helped in garnering a deeper penetration across the market. The company-customer relationship has become more personal, making it easier for customers to reach out to the companies more easily.

This has increased the expectations of the consumers who now want to have multiple delivery channels to stay updated on the go. Effective mobility solutions can make this possible by integrating mobile-based solutions into the legacy systems at the Wealth Management firms allowing your customers to keep track of their portfolio and receive prompt alerts.


 When you customize your platform for your workflows, you make its adoption easier for your customers. It helps you customize advisory and recommendations based on the goals set by the client. This individualistic approach provides a personalized service without taking much time.

Why is the Technical Evolution Welcomed?

The world is changing faster than ever before and this evolution does not intend to cease. Catching up with intelligent technological solutions will only enable you to serve your clients faster and with more precision.

Today’s Wealth Managers are seeking intelligent technological solutions that understand their requirements and aid in bringing down costs, time and an increase in their productivity. Overall help them predict better that in turn help them service their client needs better.

Valuefy is a FinTech company that enables Wealth Managers with technological solutions to ensure the digitalization of their processes and empower them with comprehensive analytics, Portfolio Management solutions, reporting, and relationship management.

Portfolio Analytics is not just for Wall Street Bankers

Things are moving fast in the financial world as newer technologies surface and disrupt the investment ecosystem every few years. Blockchain and cryptocurrencies, although highly volatile, are having a considerable impact on the market and don’t seem to waver any time soon. This means that the demand for effective portfolio analytics will only become more acute as we move forward.

Analyzing an investment portfolio helps Fund managers understand the existing asset groups and help them in making decisions that provide the best returns. It also helps managers in understanding the risks and the required steps to minimize them.

So, What Exactly is Portfolio Analytics?

In simple words, it’s the analysis of risks and returns in an investment portfolio. However, there’s a lot of complicated work involved, work that takes about a week (if not weeks) for a man to complete, for each client.

With comprehensive analytics, a fund manager can find both real-time and historical data saving time to focus on other equally important tasks like asset allocation. It gives you an advantage over your competitors and helps you close more clients in less time.

This need for comprehensive analytics demanded the creation of a technological solution that will ease some burden off the shoulders of Fund Managers. Valuefy’s team of engineers, prompted by this need, came with an effective solution in the form of ValueAT.

With Valuefy’s ValueAT, you can create better portfolios with ease and agility. It provides you with comprehensive analytics with a focus on attribution, performance benchmarking, and risk management. It also empowers you with style analysis, portfolio slice and dice, and limit monitoring. With ValueAT by your side, you would not only analyze the portfolios effectively but do so in seconds instead of weeks.

With it’s Zero Manual intervention, there are no more data hassles for you.

How does ValueAT work?

The data from the portfolio and market is fed into the ValueAT database via the ETL process with a maker checker in place to perform data quality checks. The portfolio data like Transactions, Holdings, NAV, and AUM are sourced from custodian feed files and internal data warehouse.

The market data like prices, Index constituents, Yield Curve Matrix, and Instrument masters are sourced from exchange files and data feed files. ValueAT can also source the market data from the external provider warehouse or Thomson Reuters market data system.

Once the data is fed into ValueAT, the Data Preparation engine manages the model portfolio while also creating synthetic and composite indices. It also creates carved-out/in portfolio as well.

Once all this heavy-lifting is done by ValueAT, you can study the visual interpretation of the data and point out the opportunities and risks to your clients. That’s why portfolio analytics is not just for the hotshot bankers on Wall Street, it’s important for all asset & fund managers, including you.

The Science and Art of Choosing the Right Investment Management Solution

Choosing an investment management solution is a rather difficult task, especially when there are many options to choose from. You want to make the most of it, making it easier for your investment managers to be more productive and efficient. Something that will also provide your clients with easy to understand insights to help them with their decision making.

From client acquisition and onboarding to compliance and oversight, there are processes that can be easily digitalized and help save time. When your investment managers save time in gaining data analytics and making detailed reports, they can work on putting those reports to good use and help make your clients make the best choices.

But choosing the right investment solution is just like choosing investment options. It is as much an art as it is science, meaning it is just as subjective as it is objective. There are aspects of an investment management solution, like analytics and reports, that will work for all investment managers but there are processes that might not work in a “template” approach and might need customizations for different fund managers and sometimes, for different clients.

All these considerations seem to make choosing an investment management solution more complicated than it is but when we break it down to the basics, it’s quite simple actually. WealthFy makes it easier for you to see a clearer picture and make the right choice when deciding on a solution. It will make your job easier and your client’s decision making faster.

So, here’s a breakdown of the reasons why WealthFy may just be the best investment management solution for you:

Interactive Client Portals

Smart client portals help wealth managers present a holistic view to the rewired investor, on demand. It is built to connect with complex legacy systems and is powered by an optimized data layer. Complex Private Banking portfolio is made interactive and personalized to make wealth management with tailored goal vs investment profiling easier.

Digital Intelligence

Smart Advisory Algorithms empower your sales force with a seamless workflow across mandates, portfolio reviews, portfolio construction, and transactions. This paperless advisory workflow is a close replica of a CIO’s view in each client interaction.

Precise Portfolio Review

Portfolio reviews no longer need to take weeks and can be performed within seconds. WealthFy creates portfolio insights for investment advisors that are delivered through powerful dashboards. And the whole process can be customized and automated as per your client’s needs, creating a truly digital, millennial experience.

Advisor-Client Solution

Today’s investor needs an investment management solution that is made for tomorrow but also adheres to the constantly updating legacy regulations. WealthFY’s Advisor-Client solution arms every Wealth Manager with compliance and smart insights to make the most of the investment.

Cloud-based Solution

Having a cloud-based solution not only increases the efficiency of your solution but also saves costs as there is no hardware involved. And it pretty much takes care of itself with automatic updates to keep the software relevant. These solutions are also available round the clock and have a flexible capacity on storage.

Do you want to take an early lead at being the most preferred investment management firm in the digital age? Contact Valuefy today!

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