5 Keys To Successful Investment Portfolio Management

1. Make your bets on companies whose business model you understand

It’s always essential to completely understand what you’ve invested in rather than invest in every shiny opportunity that presents itself. There may be a lot of noise and cry in the market about the next big thing, one day it may be Bitcoin, while the next it may be Ripple or even weed stocks. However, it is essential that you keep your wits about you while investing. Look at strong metrics such as per capita product consumption, past returns, future projections, input costs and margins before making any kind of investment. You must be confident enough to forecast different projections for the firm based on your understanding and confidence level in the market. When you ignore this basic tenet and invest in companies or channels that you don’t understand, you stand a high possibility of watching your investment go bust. Avoid being seduced by the new opportunity in the block, the ‘boring’ groundwork and research is where the real gold (scope for building wealth in the long term) lies. The top billionaires in the investment space, such as Warren Buffet, advocate this philosophy. It’s all about being sure about what you know and betting on that.

2. Always hedge your bets

There’s always an endowment bias when it comes to investment decisions. Investors often make the habit of making predictions about stock performance without considering all the kinds of risk factors. Hence, we are often overly optimistic about our prospects which may backfire in our face. It’s important to be conservative about the prospects of an investment. It helps if you have data and analytics helping you hedge your bets rather than relying on pure instinct. All speculation must have a strong backing in data and an appropriate distribution of asset allocation must be maintained between high exposure investments like stocks and low-risk debt funds.

3. Minimize Costs, Expenses, and Fees

Professionally managed firms and family offices may charge high fees for management and advisory fees. This can either be in the form of a percentage of assets or in the form of a flat fee/retainer. It’s even more dangerous if they earn income through commissions as their financial interests may be at odds with yours. This fee can heavily eat into your long term corpus generation in various ways due to the interest lost on the amount that would have otherwise compounded. Hence it’s better to go for a Robo Advisor or a wealth management firm that subsidises is management fee by providing Robo Advisory services rather than using a Human advisor for all client interaction. The cost-saving by the Wealth Management firm is transferred to the benefit of the investor.

4. Maintain your portfolio boundaries

Be very clear on what level of exposure you are comfortable with in terms of risk and what profits you will be happy with. If you have data and analytics driving your decisions, you can set up a flagging mechanism to raise a red flag whenever a trade hits an upper or a lower limit. Setting boundaries for your portfolio help you minimize the probability of a loss. It’s important to be opportunistic, but it’s also essential that you aren’t too greedy. A very diverse portfolio with an appropriate mix of funds from across industries will help you create a portfolio that performs well in a bull or bear market.

5.Leverage Technology

Nowadays, wealth management paradigm has shifted and investment managers are using technology to back their decision making. Wealth management software and platforms have emerged which use a combination of AI and Analytics to de-risk investments. Robo advisory services are now part and parcel of every Wealth Management firm’s offering. These services help firms crunch the numbers and make data-driven decisions about investing. Robo-advisors provide the right kind of recommendations and give a wealth of analytics and historical data to help guide investment choices. These technologies also take care of monotonous tasks such as asset reallocation, portfolio attribution, KYC, onboarding amongst others and provide great transparency to investors. This helps Wealth Managers free up a large portion of their time and dedicate it to providing excellent customer servicing.

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5 Things To Look For In An Effective Wealth Management Software

Over the past decade, wealth management as we know it has undergone a digital transformation. Wealth Management firms, family offices are increasingly recognizing that in the digital now, the legacy systems of the past just cannot keep pace with customer demands and expectations. Clients are now looking for complete transparency on how their money is being invested, they also want to access this data at all times. They also expect their wealth managers to give their hard proof and data backing every single financial decision. It is no longer a ‘seller’s market’ and investors are asking for maximum bang for their buck, especially when they are going for professional wealth management services.

In this challenging environment, wealth management software has come to the aide of wealth managers. The firms that are embracing innovation are increasingly looking to the tech industry to build solutions that help them scale and meet customer expectations. Undergoing a digital transformation is one of the most critical business decisions that a wealth management firm will ever make in its course of business, hence it’s essential to evaluate the platforms comprehensively to every minute feature before adopting it.

We’ve developed this guide as a quick primer of what to look for when on the market for a Wealth Management platform. This checklist will help guide your search and help you zero in on exactly the kind of features and tech capabilities that your firm needs.

  1. Is it Mobile friendly with anywhere, anytime access?

This is one of the most crucial considerations for both your wealth management clients and your time-pressed advisors. The platform should have a client-facing and advisor facing app or mobile presence that allows both advisors and clients to access and control their portfolio from a mobile phone. This unfettered access can be a key variable in whether tech-savvy millennial investors choose to invest with your firm.

  1. Does it help the synergy between the front office and back office?

The system you adopt must be able to integrate with all the disparate tools your wealth management team uses in front and back-office operations. The advisor must be able to quickly source the data that he wants from the system in seconds and show the client their real-time account data. It should also allow for a full API system that allows third-party applications to function seamlessly on the platform.

  1. Does it save your advisor’s time?

The number one reason why wealth management firms are going for digital transformation is that advisors are increasingly under pressure. As a single advisor caters to 10s, the 20s or even 100 clients, every second of the advisor becomes valuable. If the advisor has to spend hours reconciling portfolio data, the investor will lose patience and the advisor will be unable to leverage their bandwidth for customer servicing. Wealth management software or platform helps advisors automate mundane tasks and carry out others efficiently such as Client Onboarding, portfolio attribution,  rebalancing, compliance, reporting, document management and more.

  1. Is the system cloud-based?

Legacy systems are cumbersome to maintain and update, it can take months of time to upgrade to the latest technology and can also incur significant costs. A cloud-based SaaS platform, on the other hand, receives regular updates and can be updated in a matter of minutes. Also, as all of the upgrades are done at the Service company end, there are no additional costs involved in hiring talent to make sure the systems are up to date, secure, and running optimally. Cloud-based systems also allow users to access the data from anywhere and with any kind of device, removing the dependence on company owner hardware.

  1. Is the user experience easy to navigate?

Often, the senior talent at Wealth Management firms may not be very tech-savvy and may prefer to work on their excels and workbooks if they find the technology difficult to adopt. Just rolling out the platform is not sufficient, the advisors must be convinced of the benefit and they must be comfortable with the interface. Otherwise, the platform becomes a liability and leads to parallel processes running within the organization. The UX of the platform must be intuitive and consumer-grade, the advisors must also receive comprehensive training and support in the adoption phase to ensure a smooth transition and avoid costly mistakes.

How analytics makes wealth management unbiased?

Investment managers of today are out chasing the alpha. They are expected now, more than ever, to justify their management fees by giving a superior return on investment. This is especially the case when there are so many free and cheap passive investment avenues out there for investors to invest in. Only a market-beating return will satisfy customers of today and investors are looking at analytics aided improvements to achieve these performance improvements especially through the debiasing of investments.

Through advanced analytics, investment managers are able to rely less on instinct and more on data, thereby reducing the chances of making sub-optimal trading decisions. The ‘debiasing’ effect that analytics is playing can help bring about a lot of positive change, in the highly competitive and sometimes opaque industry.

Analytics increasingly becomes popular as wealth managers are recognizing the risk of relying purely on instinct for their decision making. It has come to the fore that human beings are incapable of being purely rational. Behavioral economics has proved that biases and irrational considerations based on our lived experience affect all of our decisions including those such as investments. Hence it is essential for us to rely on ‘Artificial intelligence’ that is sophisticated and data-driven as a way to counteract bias.

How does bias affect decision making?

In a study conducted by McKinsey, it was observed that traders were overcommitted to the positions they held and tended to hold on to them even when contrary evidence was presented. This was due to endowment effects and confirmation bias. The ‘endowment effect’ referred to the cases in which owners of a certain asset held on to it, despite any change in conditions and ‘confirmation bias’ refers to how our stereotypes lead us to discount beliefs that go contrary to our own.

How can Analytics help?

Using a digitized wealth management platform with Robo advisory and actionable analytics, that uses pure data to drive conclusions, can help temper the bias in investment management. Machine learning algorithms that learn from swathes of historical data and investment patterns help decision-makers get better and more scientific. The consistent biases and the emotions that made investment managers hold on to bad investments and stay away from certain industries due to ‘lived experiences’ could be neutralized by the power of Analytics and Robo/AI based investing.

What gives investment managers using analytics an edge?

When investment managers are using a digitized wealth management platform, they benefit from the huge data sets and patterns that the AI has been able to analyze over time. Big data is compiled about the investment performances and patterns of millions of users over millions of trades. This factors into the recommendations that the AI-driven Robo advisor makes.

It also factors in a number of variables such as the investment horizon, risk tolerance, preferred investment types and more to help arrive at the perfect investment strategy for you. Biases such as overconfidence, loss aversion, endowment effect are all erased as the AI relies purely on performance data collected from thousands of variables.

Looking ahead

Analytics will definitely impact the decision making of wealth managers for the better. This will help wealth managers make more profitable decisions for their clients and increase the value of their portfolios. A study conducted by Mckinsey revealed that debiasing using analytics helped fund managers gain potential improvements between 100 and 300 basis points.

Wealth management firms that leverage this cutting-edge technology will consistently outperform others in the market. They will create a lot of value for their investors and will fare much better than traditional firms without the analytics edge. It has become evident that only the firms that are willing to change with the times and adopt technology will capture the major share of the market, especially the tech-savvy and millennial one.

 Looking to leverage analytics for your wealth management practice – Contact Us

Predictive analytics in wealth management The new normal

The wealth management landscape is ever-evolving and wealth management firms of today are increasingly adopting cutting edge technology to cater to tech-savvy millennials. The expectations and preferences of today’s clientele such as increased insights, automation, and 24X7 customer service can only be met by leveraging smart tech.

Investment managers of today are investing in wealth management platforms with AI-enabled advisory and predictive analytics to cater to these demands. The latest report by BCG on the wealth management landscape stated that 75% of wealth management firms are investing heavily in big data and analytics to meet evolving customer demands.

One of the major innovations in the space in the last decade is predictive analytics, which basically means the use of historical data to determine and predict the relationships between different variables in the wealth management process. Predictive analytics helps build models and processes that optimize the wealth management process, introduce high automation, and predict asset failure.

Predictive analytics is a space that is seeing huge growth in the market due to the value they provide to wealth managers in terms of cost savings and process efficiency. Using predictive analytics at different stages of the customer funnel is helping wealth management firms keep pace and deliver the coveted ‘high touch’ experience that clients have come to expect.

Here’s how predictive analytics is transforming the wealth management space:

Aligning business strategy

Predictive analytics helps wealth management firms anticipate investor demand, life events, attrition, investment patterns and more. This can help firms align their business and their product offerings according to this data to limit attrition and improve investor retention. It also helps firms understand investors with the highest risk of leaving and the highest lifetime value, so the managers can take appropriate action and effort to minimize the risk to AUM.

Data-driven intelligence

Robo advisory is being offered as part of the wealth management services which recommends portfolios for each financial goal by blending Robo capabilities with human intelligence. This automation helps in streamlining the process for wealth managers by eliminating redundant tasks.

Smarter client acquisition

Predictive analytics enables wealth management firms to customize their products and offer more targeted services to their clients. It enables them to recognize HNI clients and create custom investment opportunities for them. It also helps drive customized, personalized.  and intelligent customer communications. From email communications, sales calls or message communications, analytics helps personalize them to offer a seamless experience leading to higher client acquisitions.

Exceptional customer service

Predictive analytics helps wealth managers give customers contextual advice. It helps wealth managers predict customer needs and approaches them with the right solution at the right time. Big data can be used to mine customer behavior through surveys, market patterns, risk levels and more to help provide tailored advice that customers appreciate. It also helps wealth managers make real-time recommendations, investment ideas, and financial plans in minutes, instead of hours.

Helps the research process

Predictive analytics and NLP can help asset managers make sense of vast unstructured and structured data sets. It can help managers understand patterns and trends in the data and make smarter decisions based on this research. This helps asset managers save on hours of time that they would have spent parsing through the data.

Higher visibility into operations and reduced costs

Digitized wealth management platform will help wealth management firms optimize processes and reduce back-office costs through better human capital management (optimizing hiring process), optimal demand management (optimizing effort based on customer lifetime value), and reduce due diligence costs through next-generation digitized KYC. These optimizations will help keep firms competitive and help the bottom line in this cut-throat market.

What does the future look like?

As wealth management platforms grow more and more sophisticated, the high investment in AI-based models means that they will become even more accurate. This means that investors can expect more personalized and better service from their advisors. Wealth management firms will be able to leverage these insights to create better opportunities and drive superior performance for investors. Firms that fail to leverage analytics will underperform and eventually will not be able to keep up with their tech-savvy competitors. However, those who do invest heavily in AI at this stage will capture a lion’s share of the millennial investor base.

Here’s Why you Need Hybrid Advisory for Investment Management

The introduction of Robo Advisory has received mixed reactions from wealth and investment managers.

While the tech-savvy managers have been quick to appreciate the value of this automated process, others assumed that this technology will make their jobs redundant in the future.

What is Hybrid Advisory?

Understanding the flow of money and making decisions based on the movement of the market comes with years of experience and in-depth research of assets, portfolios, and the market itself.

With the help of Robo Advisory, Investment Managers can recommend tailor-made portfolios for each financial goal, fasten the tedious task of onboarding customers, generate intelligent insights and rebalance portfolios with ease.

It adds an edge to advisory through intelligent portfolio insights, becoming an addition to the Investment Manager’s arsenal.

So, should Investment Managers be concerned about Robo Advisory?

On the contrary, they have reason to rejoice, because Robo-Advisory by itself is just a sophisticated product but partner it with an investment manager and what you have is Hybrid Advisory.

Here’s why:

It Improves Decision-Making

This is a collaborated approach to investment with the use of technology and human intelligence. The Robo advisors scan through terabytes of data to convert it into actionable insights.

It helps in leveraging big data to simplify the decision-making process in a cost-friendly way. The time which remained a constraint for investment managers is strategically handled by automating the operation procedures.

It Democratizes Investment Management

Wealth Management and Investment advisory have always been luxuries that only the affluent could afford. People who had amassed wealth over the course of their entire careers would go to wealth managers and investment managers for advice on where to invest their money.

Now, automated advisory for smaller amounts can take care of the clients that are in the primary stage and are still getting used to the market. Investment Managers can have potential clients in the pipeline long before they speak to them.

Valuefy is helping Investment Managers get on-demand, comprehensive analytics from historical and real-time data to make informed decisions generating better returns on the investments.

Valuefy is a FinTech company that enables Wealth Managers and Investment Managers with technological solutions to ensure the digitalization of their processes and empower them with comprehensive analytics, Portfolio Management solutions, reporting, and relationship management

5 Reasons Wealth Managers need a Technology Partner

Maybe you are a veteran Wealth Manager, a rookie or somewhere in between. Being in the industry, you must have heard about the disruptive technologies that are changing the sector of Wealth Management.

Well, the news is true as Wealth managers around the world are partnering with Fintech companies to adopt innovative technology solutions. It’s improving the efficiency and productivity of their firms and driving their performance.

Let’s take a look at the 5 major reasons why a Wealth Manager needs a technology partner.


One of the biggest advantages of technology is automation. Technologies like Big Data, Analytics, and AI are offering real-time data, easy access to information, and faster report generation which cuts down the time taken for decision making.

Automation in Wealth Management allows you to finish time-consuming tasks, like generating portfolio insights and reports, in minutes. It enables smoother operations making your job a lot easier. A ROBO assist platform aids Wealth Management in generating portfolio insights and collecting data in an organized way that also leads to a reduction in costs.

Customer Relationship Management

Customer relationship management is at the heart of a successful Wealth Management firm and it can be enhanced using user-friendly technological solutions that provide both ease and accessibility to the portfolio and analytics.

A technology platform, like Wealthfy, adds convenience to processes like Client Onboarding, Portfolio Construction, Portfolio Monitoring, Reporting, Analytics, and Rebalancing. Providing customers with on-demand analytics is another feature that can prove to be very inviting for a wealth manager.

Data Analytics

Wealth Management is built on data. Analyzing and studying historical and real-time data is a crucial part of making decisions that drive returns. Technology platforms perform these functions quickly while increasing the productivity of Wealth Managers.

Solutions that provides analysis of different classes of Assets in a portfolio helps you decide on the expected returns and risk factors of various assets under one platform. Moreover, these platforms support different styles of portfolios, widening their functionalities.

Multichannel Delivery

Smartphones have helped in garnering a deeper penetration across the market. The company-customer relationship has become more personal, making it easier for customers to reach out to the companies more easily.

This has increased the expectations of the consumers who now want to have multiple delivery channels to stay updated on the go. Effective mobility solutions can make this possible by integrating mobile-based solutions into the legacy systems at the Wealth Management firms allowing your customers to keep track of their portfolio and receive prompt alerts.


 When you customize your platform for your workflows, you make its adoption easier for your customers. It helps you customize advisory and recommendations based on the goals set by the client. This individualistic approach provides a personalized service without taking much time.

Why is the Technical Evolution Welcomed?

The world is changing faster than ever before and this evolution does not intend to cease. Catching up with intelligent technological solutions will only enable you to serve your clients faster and with more precision.

Today’s Wealth Managers are seeking intelligent technological solutions that understand their requirements and aid in bringing down costs, time and an increase in their productivity. Overall help them predict better that in turn help them service their client needs better.

Valuefy is a FinTech company that enables Wealth Managers with technological solutions to ensure the digitalization of their processes and empower them with comprehensive analytics, Portfolio Management solutions, reporting, and relationship management.

The Wealth Management Industry: Outlook 2020

As we complete two decades of this century, GenZ has entered their early adulthood and GenY, popularly known as Millennials, are close to being middle-aged. These are the people who grew up with the internet, they have their entire lives around it. And their love for the digital space seems to grow every year.

And these will be the people wealth managers will be serving in the coming years if they aren’t already.

The current industry veterans are from the pre-internet era and their methods are, traditional which has worked fine so far because they have been serving the clients who belonged to the same generation.

But the times are changing and this generation gap needs to be filled if they want to attract, and retain, customers from this generation and the one after. To do that, wealth managers need to adapt to the latest technologies and methods in the wealth management space too.

So, here’s a non-exhaustive list of industry trends that will be seen come 2020.

The Number of FinTech Companies will Rise

FinTech companies with their innovative and technology-oriented approach have been disrupting the industry with solutions like data analytics, predictive analysis through Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. There will be a rise in the number of these companies as better, more sophisticated solutions emerge.

Interactions with Clients will Increase, Less in Person

As the industry moves towards a digitalized ecosystem, the number of interactions between the wealth managers and their clients will increase significantly. Only, these would be more in the form of textual or visual interactions rather than in-person meetings. There will still be meetings but far less. The new generation of affluent likes to stay updated with everything all the time which means they would want to have daily updates and reports.

The Need for Customizations will Increase

Technology has enabled customizable solutions for wealth management. FinTech is playing a huge role in making this option available to the wealth managers. With these customizations, every client could be presented with a portfolio or wealth plan tailored to their needs. This would need in-depth profiling of the clients and prospects to propose the most relevant customization to them.

These emerging technological trends would mean that wealth managers would need to find relevant technological partnerships with FinTech companies to prepare themselves for these challenges.

Valuefy is a FinTech company that enables wealth managers with technological solutions to ensure the digitalization of their processes and empower them with comprehensive analytics, Portfolio Management solutions, reporting, and relationship management.

7 Wealth Management Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make

Running a wealth management firm is not easy. When it comes to your clients, you are obliged to listen and comply with their wishes but having the required expertise, you understand the market much better than they do. Which is why, sometimes, you have to comply with a preposterous request.

This could possibly be the biggest mistake you could make until you take the right steps to avoid it in the first place. Of course, everybody makes mistakes and your expertise doesn’t make you an exception to that rule.

But if you know what the possible mistakes are, you will be equipped to avoid them.  Please note that this list is, in no way, exhaustive.

Not Pushing Clients for their Reasoning

When clients make requests to buy or sell assets voraciously, it’s important that you ask the reasoning behind those thoughts. It is entirely possible that their decision is based on impulse or misunderstood financial standing rather than a sound rationale. They may want to take a risk that they can neither afford nor need, considering their financial goals. As a wealth manager, it is your duty to advise them when they are wrong and heading towards a possible loss.

Working with All Kinds of Clients

One thing that your wealth management firm doesn’t need is a client that doesn’t share your financial philosophy. Niche down to the kind of investors you want to work with based on your experience and your financial philosophies. Taking in clients that are not a good fit for your firm will not only waste your time but also put you through unnecessary conflicts. You would do much better without them.

Overemphasizing on ROI

When you emphasize more on ROI than you should, the expectations of your clients rise unrealistically high. If the client is migrating to your firm from a different one, there’s very little increment on the returns that you can provide. Rather, you must emphasize the security and long term benefits that you can provide them with.

Proceeding without Paperwork

This is a given, you should not proceed without paperwork. When you don’t have all the paperwork in place, you might reach a disagreement with the client at a further stage. If the client decides to walk away from you then, you would waste all the time and effort that you spent working on their portfolio and investment plans.

Neglecting your Own Business

When you are managing wealth for businesses, you sometimes forget that you are running a business too. And just like any other business, you need to grow too. You need to look for opportunities and ways that can help you be more efficient and bring in more clients and eventually, more revenue.

Spending More Time on Mechanical Processes

There are a lot of mechanical processes involved in wealth management and these processes, although important, need not be as time-consuming as they are. For example, spending days on portfolio analytics when tools like ValueAT can do it for you in seconds isn’t wise. You want to automate all the processes that you can so that you can concentrate on decision making and strategizing.

Staying Relevant

As the world moves ahead faster than ever before, businesses need to match the pace if they want to stay relevant to not just today’s clients but tomorrow’s as well. You need to bring in the technology solutions that can provide you with the ease and convenience and reduces your manual effort

Valuefy is a fintech company, empowering wealth management firms with innovative and highly-effective technology solutions that are transforming the way financial institutions approach wealth management.

Portfolio Analytics is not just for Wall Street Bankers

Things are moving fast in the financial world as newer technologies surface and disrupt the investment ecosystem every few years. Blockchain and cryptocurrencies, although highly volatile, are having a considerable impact on the market and don’t seem to waver any time soon. This means that the demand for effective portfolio analytics will only become more acute as we move forward.

Analyzing an investment portfolio helps Fund managers understand the existing asset groups and help them in making decisions that provide the best returns. It also helps managers in understanding the risks and the required steps to minimize them.

So, What Exactly is Portfolio Analytics?

In simple words, it’s the analysis of risks and returns in an investment portfolio. However, there’s a lot of complicated work involved, work that takes about a week (if not weeks) for a man to complete, for each client.

With comprehensive analytics, a fund manager can find both real-time and historical data saving time to focus on other equally important tasks like asset allocation. It gives you an advantage over your competitors and helps you close more clients in less time.

This need for comprehensive analytics demanded the creation of a technological solution that will ease some burden off the shoulders of Fund Managers. Valuefy’s team of engineers, prompted by this need, came with an effective solution in the form of ValueAT.

With Valuefy’s ValueAT, you can create better portfolios with ease and agility. It provides you with comprehensive analytics with a focus on attribution, performance benchmarking, and risk management. It also empowers you with style analysis, portfolio slice and dice, and limit monitoring. With ValueAT by your side, you would not only analyze the portfolios effectively but do so in seconds instead of weeks.

With it’s Zero Manual intervention, there are no more data hassles for you.

How does ValueAT work?

The data from the portfolio and market is fed into the ValueAT database via the ETL process with a maker checker in place to perform data quality checks. The portfolio data like Transactions, Holdings, NAV, and AUM are sourced from custodian feed files and internal data warehouse.

The market data like prices, Index constituents, Yield Curve Matrix, and Instrument masters are sourced from exchange files and data feed files. ValueAT can also source the market data from the external provider warehouse or Thomson Reuters market data system.

Once the data is fed into ValueAT, the Data Preparation engine manages the model portfolio while also creating synthetic and composite indices. It also creates carved-out/in portfolio as well.

Once all this heavy-lifting is done by ValueAT, you can study the visual interpretation of the data and point out the opportunities and risks to your clients. That’s why portfolio analytics is not just for the hotshot bankers on Wall Street, it’s important for all asset & fund managers, including you.

Is Robo-Advisor a Good Investment Manager?

Are you thinking of integrating a robo advisory platform into your wealth management?

Maybe you have been considering a lot about it and want to know if it would be a worthy investment or maybe you have just heard about it and want to know more.

Well, in either of those cases, you have come to the right place.

Robo Advisors, without a doubt, do have a fair share of limitations which is why they are there to assist wealth managers and not replace them. Since a long-term investment plan needs proper planning, it is crucial that a financial advisor is in the equation rather than just a Robo Advisor.

Now, why am I starting with the limitations of the Robo Advisors?

Because I want you to understand that Robo Advisors, with all their benefits, still need you to make sense of the mechanical output that they generate. They still need a pair of human eyes to drive decisions from the data, not just to reduce risks but also to increase the returns of your customers.

With that said, here are a few advantages to integrating a Robo Advisory into your wealth management platform.

You could Onboard more People with Robo Advisors

Now, from a strictly business perspective, you need more clients to scale. However, not all those who can afford to invest are interested in third-party wealth management solutions. Robo Advisors, being more pocket-friendly could be an introduction of sorts to the uninitiated.

Rebalancing Portfolios is easier with Robo Advisors

Rebalancing is the realignment of weightings of a portfolio of assets and involves selling and buying of assets to maintain the desired risk. It can also improve returns. Robo Advisors could help wealth managers in rebalancing the portfolios. They can do it quickly which helps in doing it more often.

Robo Advisors help on Portfolios with Multiple Accounts

Handling investments on hand could be a tedious task and it’s better if it’s handled by a Robo Advisor, especially if there are a lot of accounts on the portfolio.

Robo Advisors are Time Savers

Since Robo advisors are essentially automated, it gives the wealth managers the convenience to focus more on other things like asset allocation, relationship management etc. This helps in making the most of the time available for each client.

With all the advantages stated, let’s go back to our initial question, Is Robo Advisor a good investment manager?

Well, It’s a judgement call.

Robo Advisors are good investment managers only when there’s a wealth manager involved. It’s more like a team where the Robo Advisor takes care of the time-consuming data-driven tasks and the wealth manager takes care of the decision making based on the comprehensive analytics of the data.

Valuefy’s Wealthfy has a Robo Advisory platform that’s helping wealth managers by providing end to end advisory with real-time intelligence. It is embedded with a robust portfolio data engine and is capable of handling multi-asset and multi-currency portfolios with ease. It also has adaptable and flexible white labeling that allows you to interweave it into your existing legacy systems.

With Wealthfy, your clients will experience a simplified user experience with intuitive dashboards and data visualizations that turn complex data into concise insights.

Know more about how Wealthfy will transform your wealth management firm, here.

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